Migrating leerob.io to Next.js 13's App Router Features


In cloning and migrating Leerob.io's personal website and blog to the latest Next.js 13 app router features, there were several fundamental shifts to highlight.

Route Handler Conversion

First, the routing structure saw a transformation. From /pages/api/views/[slug].ts to the new /app/api/views/[slug]/route.ts format.

Supposedly Next.js's different routers should play well together, but I experienced issues with that (in two separate projects). I opted to fully adopt the new /app router by converting the old API routes to modern route handlers.

export default async function handler(
  req: NextApiRequest,
  res: NextApiResponse
) {
  try {
    // ...
  } catch (e) {
    return res.status(500).json({ message: e.message })

Wrapping logic in an async function and using .catch on it works well. From there, we finish by exporting the handler function as the appropriate method(s). I had issues grabbing the slug until I remembered that params are passed differently.

type Props = {
  params: {
    slug: string
export async function handler(req: Request, { params }: Props) {
  const slug = params.slug
  const main = async () => {
    // ...
  return main().catch((e) => {
    return NextResponse.json({ message: e.message })
export { handler as GET, handler as POST }


A /portfolio page was added to showcase personal projects. DaisyUI was brought in to style the project cards. In addition, the /uses page was exposed and renamed to /gear, providing more transparency about the software and hardware I used in the projects.

The logo also got a small buff. It now alternates between different logos every 10 seconds. Initially, it draws once as it renders. The effect of re-drawing the logo is basically achieved by removing and re-adding the new element to the page. This is done seamlessly. There could be better ways to do this that would be more visually pleasing, but due to the nature of this logo being in motion, they couldn't be easily adopted. The useTransform hook available in framer-motion would be ideal.

Figma was used to create the og image file bases. I had several ideas for that one, which I left in the /public folder.


In an attempt to declutter the code, all Twitter content and Github guestbook content were removed. I do not currently have a Twitter account and do not plan to create a new one in the future. Github guestbook content requires more Github configuration and honestly my friends would see it as an opportunity to spam me with love. Pass.



Looking ahead, there are exciting plans for future updates. The addition of different themes using DaisyUI is in the pipeline. In terms of more significant changes, a swap to Vercel KV or Vercel Postgres is being considered for the database system.
